1. Go to URL: APPLICATION URL/admin_interface/
2. Choose Manage floor
3. Enter the new floor number inside the textbox and click submit
4. Go back to the the pervious page, choose Manage floor plan
5. The new floor should be displayed in this page, choose the floor to edit.
6. Upload the map image and click update. Upload the biggest size one because the system will automatically generate map image for other smaller scale.
7. The uploaded map image should be displayed now.
8. In the menu, click generate small map button
9. Your should now entered a new page. Input a ratio of the map displayed in the mini map tab to the original map. The ratio should be smaller or equals 1.
10. Click generate.
11. Done. You can now define paths and rooms on each floor.
1. Go to URL: APPLICATION URL/admin_interface/
2. Choose Manage floor
3. Remove the floor number from the textbox and click submit
4. Done.