a. To run this program, you can run either python main.py or scrapy crawl mongo ======================================= b. Process to create this project 1. scrapy startproject phase3 2. cd phase3 3. add the following lines to phase3/settings.py # log to file instead of the console. LOG_FILE = 'log.txt' # only log error messages, ignore irrelevant messages # to know more about log levels, see https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/logging.html#log-levels LOG_LEVEL = 'ERROR' # does not redirect standard output to the log file # i.e., we want the output from the print() method is shown in the console LOG_STDOUT = False 4. write "phase3/spiders/mongo_spider.py" (i.e., place "mongo_spider.py" found in the zipped file to folder "phase3/spiders") 5. keep all other files (i.e., __init__.py, items.py, middlewares.py, pipelines.py) unchanged.